Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Module

Human Resources Management (HCM) module handles the management of a wide range of human resources processes such as personnel data, payrolls, performance management, training follow-up, staff requests, recruitment and follow-up.

Through the Human Resources Management module, Job Definitions, Staff Definitions, Staff Requests and Organization Chart can be followed under Institutional Planning. Qualifications required for job definitions, training required for candidate employees or current employees, education information, foreign language information, duties and responsibilities can be defined; Staff definitions and job definitions can be associated. Staff requests can be created in the system and submitted for approval. In the staff definitions: personnel and vacancies can be listed, the current number of employees, salary ranges and payments can be recorded.

Organization Chart found in the module can be defined in a multi-level manner with date intervals based on plants and can be displayed in a tree or diagram structure. All personnel working in a position can be listed in the relevant date range. Organization Chart creates data for the Business Process Management transaction as well. In addition, with the Human Resources Management module, definitions such as department, work title, staff can be made based on company and/or facility; these definitions, then can be associated with the personnel record cards; the staff status and demands can be followed; the organization chart can be created. As a result, all processes implemented in the organization can be managed easily and integrally via this module.

With the Human Resources Management module, project levels, costs, needs, announcements, applications, interviews and exams for staff selection projects can be organized. The requirements from personnel for the project can be created from the demands defined with staff, and project announcements and costs can be recorded. Applications for the project can be created through the current personnel, former staff or CV bank, and applicants can be reached via mail or email, and their tests and exams can be tracked through the system.

With CV Bank application, data such as general information, experiences, language knowledge, education level and training records can be kept; pictures and documents can be added to the CV; proposals and decisions submitted to the candidate can be recorded. CV bank can be searched according to the desired criteria. During the recruitment process, information on CV from the CV bank can be automatically transferred to the record card to be created. In addition, it is possible to save the resumes prepared in external environments through XML format.

In summary, monitoring of all stages of personnel selection projects for personnel needs, the creation of a CV bank and its association with record cards, and personnel selection and placement processes can be easily managed on the module.

In the personnel record cards found in the Human Resources Management module, all operational and personal information of the personnel is kept based on information groups. Some data can be tracked on a date basis so that the personnel’s valid information for different periods can also be maintained on the system. Some information groups on the register card include: Organization, identity information, salary, bank, shifts and shift settings, social insurance, private insurance, payments, levy files, disability status, family information, marital status, work experiences, education, foreign languages, awards and punishments, assigned asset inventory, documents and other similar headings. Most of these information groups can be used as search criteria during personnel listing. The batch information update or preview features provide convenience to human resources users.

In the module, salary changes can be transferred to the personnel records over the relevant application in a collective form and with different calculation methods. Personnel shifts can be planned and planned in the Shift Planning transaction and saved on registration cards. In employment termination processes, the record cards are retained in the system as former personnel. In the event that the employee starts to work again in the future, the information on the old card can be transferred to a new card or old record card can be continued to be used, so that the recruitment can be done quickly. If the information related to an employee that started to work can be found in the CV bank, the information can be transferred to the record card. In the termination of the employment process, an inspection can be performed for assets that are assigned to the personnel’s inventory and for open installment debt payments. Additionally, the remaining holiday pay can be automatically reflected and the severance and notice compensations, if any, can be calculated and transferred to the payroll. Transfer between the companies inside the system can be carried out with a single process, and the employment can continue through the same record card. Business process management can also be used to manage other company-specific workflows in the hiring and termination processes.

Aforementioned features and the data required for record management can be saved and allowed to affect other modules, so that the processes of record management can be managed quickly and easily.

In the Human Resources Management module, personnel payrolls are calculated quickly and easily in accordance with current legislation, social security types and tax laws. Different payroll types can be created on the module and multiple payrolls can be calculated for the same period. On the payroll calculation screen, all entries that might affect the payroll of the relevant personnel can be controlled. With extra incomes and deductions management, payments can be automatically transferred to payrolls or payments can be collected in CSV format. Information received from card reading systems can be imported in CSV format to create daily working data, and the days-off entered in the leaves application can be included in the payroll. Installment debts and advances can be recorded on the system, and deductions can be reflected in the payroll automatically.

Calculated payrolls can be forwarded to personnel by email; a variety of printouts such as a payroll report can be taken; company-wide payroll reports can be automatically and quickly created. Payment documents can be created automatically in line with the prepared formats for bank branches over the calculated payrolls. All the mandatory legal declarations (Employment-Termination declarations, monthly premium and service document etc.) can be created quickly.

The payrolls calculated on the module can be accounted by the posting keys specified based on personnel through the application in the system. According to the keys set in the finance group value fields on the personnel record card, different accounts can be automatically registered even when the same posting key is processed. According to the cost centers stated on the payroll, the distribution of accounting receipts to cost centers can be ensured. Transfer to a fixed cost center for the personnel can be performed as well.

In the Performance Management section of the Human Resources Management module, periodic assessments can be applied for employees. In performance evaluation, business goals can be defined periodically, career goals, opinions and suggestions can be defined, and documents related to evaluation can be added. Competencies can be applied based on departments and positions. Any number of evaluators can be defined, and the evaluators can be defined as “Supervisor”, “Subordinate”, “Peer”, “Self”, or “External.” For the evaluators, different weights can be defined based on the target and competence. Evaluators can complete their evaluations from the self-service application, enter a description for each item and add documents on an evaluation basis. Completed evaluations may be closed to revision, evaluation results may be shared with the employee or their manager within the competencies. Training improvements needed found after the evaluation can be recorded as well.

The performance evaluation process can be carried out easily through the Human Resources Management module. Performance evaluation results can all be followed in the development tab on the record card of the employees. Thus, companies record performance management, personnel targets, competencies and suggestions, and ensure that personnel development is managed in accordance with company objectives.

With Human Resources Management module, the necessary trainings, training places and trainers for the management of the training processes within the company can be defined in the system, and training requests and training records can be followed. Training requests can be collected, submitted for approval and approved by the participant, and approved participants can be moved to the created training record. Necessary materials, qualifications and costs can be defined in training definitions. In the training definition, the training company can be defined, and training documents can be recorded for external training.

Training records can be created to include the definition, location, and instructor information of the training, and they can be calculated using planned and actual costs, training needs, trainer, training place costs. Participants’ participation in training, examination and score information and comments can be kept in the system. The qualifications of the participants developed with the relevant training can be updated to the record card. In addition, training documents can be kept on the module. Training surveys, questions and answers can be recorded in the system for use in trainings.

Self Service Management in the Human Resources Management module includes human resources applications for the personnel to perform their own operations on the system by themselves or by their manager. The list of self-service applications in the module is as follows:

• Personnel Records
• Monthly Working Data Management
• Extra Incomes and Deductions
• Leaves
• Salary Advances
• Loans
• Payroll Records
• Training Requests
• Application to Open Positions
• Performance Evaluation Results
• Performance Evaluation

The applications in the list can be used both as Self Service Service and Manager Self Service. Authorizations can be defined separately for Worker Self Service and Manager Self Service applications. “Application to Open Positions” application can only be used with Worker Self Service as it does not have a feature related to Manager Self Service. Considering the intensive work of human resources users in companies, to be able to perform operations on the system, such as entering the leaves, receiving payroll printouts and entering training requests by the staff or the managers is important for the sustainability of the daily work of the human resources department. With the Human Resources Management module, all of these processes can be easily managed.

It is critical for companies to report all processes subject to human resources easily. Daily, periodic or individual report needs can be time-consuming for human resources department employees, and sometimes other people might be needed in report preparation processes. These processes can be managed easily with report design and reporting applications in the Human Resources Management module. With the Report Wizard, reports can be designed, recorded and run whenever needed. The search criteria used in the reports can be recorded on a user basis and reused in subsequent reporting. Prepared reports can be imported in CSV, PDF, Excel, Text formats.

Human Resources Management module is integrated with various points of the system. The payrolls calculated on the module can be accounted with a single key through the integration of the Financial Accounting module. When creating the accounting records, distribution can be made based on Cost Centers, Cost Objects or Projects. The transfer of the recalculated payrolls to the Withholding Tax Return can easily be performed on the system. Fixed asset management module integration enables to register an inventory to personnel for assets.

Applications such as records, training and performance evaluation are integrated with the Document Management module. Thus, the relevant documentation can be followed in the system. In addition, integration with the Business Process Management module can be established in order to manage the work and approval processes of the Human Resources departments through the system.

Module Group

Modules with Interaction

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