Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)

With Logo Start 3 all micro businesses can track their stock, costs, cash, invoices, orders, payments and collections, and manage their banking and customer information from a single point. Thus, control and efficiency are improved at every step from bank accounts to monthly payments, inventory information and issuance of e-Invoices.
- For stronger steps
The primary objective of micro businesses is to gain profit from their commercial activities, and the next step is to gradually grow their businesses. Easy and quick to deploy, Logo Start 3 provides the necessary technological infrastructure to reach targets, as well as meet all the needs for daily transactions. Whatever the sector, all micro-businesses may take the first step to digitalization with Logo Start. Thus, they can track their stocks, costs, cash, invoices, orders, payments, and collections, and manage their banking and customer information from a single point without requiring large investments.
- Integration with e-Government solutions
Micro businesses that want to add the comfort of e-Government Solutions to the convenient features offered by Logo Start 3, can also purchase these solutions as an additional service with the assurance of eLogo.
e-Invoice, e-Archive Invoice, and e-Dispatch solutions work integrated with Logo Start 3. Thus, it becomes possible to switch to e-Government solutions easily and quickly without requiring any additional application. With Logo Start 3, the transition to e-Invoice, e-Archive Invoice, and e-Dispatch provide ease of operation as well as savings on paper and printing costs.

The versatile assistant for micro businesses
If you are a micro company it means that you are trying to run your business with limited human resources. If you are outsourcing accounting services but you are having difficulties checking the consistency and currency of your data, Logo Start 3 is your solution!