The ‘Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)’ will manage your resources consistently from one point. ERP solutions empowers your company of all sizes and industries to manage all data and business processes in an integrated and centralized manner. Companies achieve greater efficiency with Logo ERP, which provides visibility, effective control, and data security across all operations from manufacturing and purchasing to foreign trade and distribution. By automating operational processes, ERP also significantly reduces workload and provides time and cost savings. Moreover, ‘Logo Enterprise Resources Planning solutions’, makes more efficient business processes and improves employee satisfaction and more efficient management of processes and therefore improves customer satisfaction. We focus on micro, medium-sized and large businesses.

You will be able to accurately interpret your financial date with a flexible exchange system and reporting structure. We can monitor risk and issue electronic warnings within the framework of set limits and rules.

A Full compliance with legislative and international
accounting standards will be provided by depreciation calculations as per FA552 or US GAAP.

The monitoring of value of fixed assets will be possible due to a fixed asset follow-up screen.

Moreover, a central management of company groups can be offered. This will also impact your reliable foreign trade structure. An efficient production and the implementing of lower costs will be one benefit.
In addition, ‘Logo’s ERP portfolio’ offers a modular structure that allow further development, in addition to standard installations. With the option that different modules can be added according to needs and requirements, each company can build the package that best suits its needs. In addition to the modules, new applications can be integrated into the system with App-in-App technology and the user experience can be improved with widgets.

The benefits of ERP software vary according to the sector, company, usage and user. When the conditions before and after the use of ERP software for companies are compared by determining the criteria, the effects on the performance of the company can be observed. In addition to correct management and planning, costs are reduced on the basis of orders, products, product groups, management units, and thanks to the right decisions taken as a result of the pivot analysis of income-expenditure items, expenses are reduced and revenues are increased. Repetitive and personal transactions are eliminated, thanks to the emerging corporate memory, daily transactions are no longer a problem and personnel resources are used more efficiently. As the data acquisition and reporting difficulties are overcome, the authorized manager becomes able to use a significant part of his time for control, analysis and decision making.

This is especially important for large-scale companies. Office and accounting programs that are not integrated with traditional methods increase workload and costs and decrease productivity. Thus, for every company aiming to grow, ERP has become a necessity rather than a choice.