The term Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system refers to a complex application system that is used to plan and organize the resources available in the company. By using a central database, all business processes are integrated and linked along the value chain. Since modern companies are very complex today, top management is supported by a computer-based ERP system in performing the planning and controlling the task.
With ‘Logo ERP solutions’ offered by ‘Zinger Stick Software’ you can manage your resources and centrally manage all your data by automating operational processes. The first thing what ‘Logo ERP solutions’ will do, is a properly identification of the needs and improvement areas of your company and doing an appropriate decision with you together. The more comfortable the interfaces are, that connect the technology to the users, the better the user experience and the acceptance rate of the solutions is.
Especially regarding competitiveness, the speed with which information is provided plays an increasingly important role. This can only be achieved by intelligent software and powerful hardware.
Accordingly, ERP means the organization of all administrative, dispositive and controlling activities of a company. ‘Logo’s ERP’ portfolio offers modular structures that allow for further development. With modules that can be added according to needs and requirements, all companies can create the most suitable PRP package for themselves.
The goals of ERP are:
- the improvement of organizational processes and structures
- faster adaptability to company and market changes and the optimization of business processes
- promote process thinking among employees which simplifies collaboration across departmental boundaries and overcomes barriers
- increased automation for shorter processing times and cost savings
- a reduced throughput times of processes
- an increased data quality
- avoidance of redundancies and inconsistencies
- improving collaboration across departmental boundaries
- providing an optimized information flow in the company
- the overcoming of organizational and technical interfaces are secured
With ‘Logo Enterprise Resources Planning Solutions’, you are managing the business processes much easier, practical and cost-effective.
When using your ERP solution, you don’t have to log out of the system if you need a chart, document, application, folder, or website from another source. Besides commonly used Windows programs such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint; the shortcut of any external link can be added to the desktop and all applications can be quickly accessed from within the program.